
NiobSwap is a Decentralized Exchange and Automatic Liquidity Acquisition Yield Farm running currently on Binance Smart Chain, with a three-level referral system, and opportunities to launch on several other blockchains such as Polkadot, Polygon, Tron and Ethereum. We have created a deflationary token, NIOB, which allows token price to increase constantly with a sufficient burn mechanism. Locked value will continue to be added daily to our farms and pools. Total value locked into Nion Ecosystem will provide a sustainable environment for users to benefit from high APR yield farming. NiobSwap users will have access to easy-to-use best in class technology, as well as various new tokens through our own AMM.
Main Features
Automatic Liquidity
Each transfer of NIOB token will incur 5% transfer tax, of which 1.4% will added to the NIOB native liquidity pools. Automatic liquidity mechanism will have a positive impact on NIOB token price, as it will ensure that growing number of tokens will be permanently locked over time, while overall token liquidity will continuously increase.
Automated Burning
1% of each transfer of NIOB token will be allocated to Automated Burning. The burning will be executed by the Smart Contract in real-time, by sending tokens to the burn address.
Harvest Lockup
Harvest lockup is a mechanism designed for lock-up of yield-farming rewards. It is a defense feature, limiting the frequency of harvesting, to prevent farming arbitrage bots from constant collecting rewards and dumping them.
No Migrator Code
The migrator code has been removed from the MasterChef contract.
Timelock has been added to the Niob MasterChef contract before launch
Community Driven
The entire NiobSwap Ecosystem is a community driven Project. Most of the decisions about features, new pools, new farms, token listings and updates will be proposed and voted by the Niob Community.
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