
Basic Information
- Token Name: NIOB Token
- Token Symbol: NIOB
- Contract Address: 0x5ac5e6Af46Ef285B3536833E65D245c49b608d9b
- Chain: Binance Smart Chain (BEP20)
- Max Supply: 600,000,000 NIOB
Transfer Tax
Total Transfer Tax Rate: 3% of every NIOB transfer
- Burn Rate: Up to 0.5% of every NIOB transfer will be burned immediately.
- Automatic Liquidity: 0.5% of every transferred amount will be permanently locked into NIOB liquidity pools.
- Development fund: 2% of every NIOB transfer will be allocated to Niob development fund, which, in the future, will be used for further advancements of the Niob Ecosystem.
Emission Rate
- 50 NIOB/block (Emission rate will decrease over time)
- 1,396,700 NIOB/day
- 9.0 % to the dev team to secure growth of the project
Automatic Liquidity
There is a 3% transfer tax on each transaction of NIOB:
- Up to 0.5% of every NIOB transfer is burned immediately
- 0.5% of which is added to the NIOB liquidity pools automatically through the contract
As project matures, we plan to burn more tokens and allocate less tokens to automatic liquidity.
Burn Address: 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD
Automatic Burning
Each NIOB transfer on NiobSwap is a subject of a 3% transfer tax. Up to 0.5% of every NIOB transfer be burned immediately.
Burn Address: 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD
Harvest Lockup
Harvest lockup is a lockup mechanism designed for farming rewards. It is a defense feature limiting the frequency of harvesting to prevent farming arbitrage bots from constant collection of rewards and selling them.
As an example, the harvest lockup of the NIOB-BNB farm is 2 hours. It means that farmers, who stake in the NIOB-BNB farm, can only claim their rewards from farming every 2 hours.
The harvest lockup times, which might differ for various farms, are displayed individually in the “Farms” section.
The harvest lockup holds only staking rewards. The tokens staked in the farms and pools are not affected and can be withdrawn anytime, with exception of NIOB pool, which has a lock up period of 180 days. The NIOB tokens staked into Nion Pool can also be withdrawn after 6-month period, nerveless, users can claim the staking rewards every 2 hours.
Anti-Whale Algorithm
The Anti-Whale Algorithm disallows to transfer more than 0.5% of the total supply. As the total supply grows, this ratio will be reduced or removed. Deposit or withdraw of token from the farms and pools will not be subject to this restriction. This algorithm ensures that whales and institutional investors cannot influence or manipulate the price of the token.
- Contents